Tres Vers Sint Nicolaasga
Check out the lighting of the new store Tres Vers in Sint Nicolaasga, where everything is about freshness and a pleasant shopping experience.
The Jan Linders Roermond, the gathering place for everything fresh and a little more. The Jan Linders formula wins awards year in and year out with its fresh food department, where precisely light plays an important role. A smart lighting plan is necessary to give each nook the right experience and presentation. Without compromising the quality of the fresh. Every area is considered, with the brand experience at the forefront.
Ensuring that each department has the right light and presents its products at their best.
Every part of the store has received the attention it deserves. Light with special appearance for the fresh departments, designer pendants for atmosphere and different light lines for good visibility in the shelves. Everything is coordinated with the interior, the materials and the use of color. The right atmosphere for a wonderful establishment.
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