Step 1: Choose your space

Select the space for which you want to calculate the savings.

Meeting Room

Step 2: Choose your lamp

Select the old lamps here that you want to replace with energy-efficient LED lighting.

Economy Lamp
Recessed spotlight
Industrial lamp
TL box

Step 3: Additional data

Enter here how many old lamps you want to replace. You can then enter how long the lamps will be on and which energy price you want to use to calculate the savings.

How many lamps do you want to replace? Combined Shape

How many hours is the light on per day? Combined Shape

How many days is the light on per week? Combined Shape

What is the energy price per kWh? Combined Shape

Space Overview

Space Make a choice
Lamp Make a choice
Number of lamps Make a choice
Burning hours per day Make a choice
Burning hours per week Make a choice
Current energy price Make a choice

Your result

Current energy costs Make a choice
New energy costs Make a choice
Savings in euros Make a choice
Savings in percentage Make a choice

This result is an estimate based on the entered information.
Contact us for a customized calculation!

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your full savings report?

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    Read in our privacy statement how we process the data from this form

    With our savings calculator, you can easily calculate your energy savings. With a few clicks, you can calculate your current energy consumption and then see how much you can save with energy-efficient LED lighting. The savings calculator is the ideal program for calculating lighting energy consumption.

    For a personalized and detailed energy savings calculation, please contact. Then we will calculate this for you! Want to read more about how to save energy with lighting or why LED lighting is so energy efficient? Then click on one of our articles below.

    Submit a project?

    We are happy to take on the challenge!

    Curious about what we can do for you? Contact us or leave your details, we will get back to you within one working day.

    Maurice Arons
