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Harry Rijnders certified DIALux trainer

Last week, our light designer Harry Rijnders completed his DIALux exam with a 9.1! As of now, he can officially call himself one of three certified DIALux trainers in our country. Something we are very proud of! DIALux is the lighting design program for comprehensive professional lighting calculations. This program is used to create our lighting plans and simulations. You can read more about DIALux in our article we dedicated to this program.

Getting started with DIALux

Do you want to master DIALux? We are happy to help you during our DIALux course, where you will learn the basics of this comprehensive lighting design program in one day. The course lasts one working day and takes place in Eindhoven. For more information or to register, visit our DIALux course page.

Want to learn more about DIALux?

Then enroll in our DIALux Course! This way you will learn everything about DIALux that you need to know.  

Harry Rijnders

Light Design Manager