Reduced payback period LED
Last time we told you more about the cause of rising energy prices. This time find out more about how this affects the payback period of new LED lighting.
How does LED lighting work?
LED lighting uses a chip, this chip causes current to be converted into light. This releases very little heat. Thus, that produces light in a very efficient way.
With incandescent and halogen lamps, this is slightly different. In light bulbs, light is created by electricity running through a filament, making it very hot. So here you lose a lot of electricity to producing heat. Halogen lamps involve gas, because of this gas more heat can be produced with less power.
If you convert this into power consumption, an LED bulb consumes 10 times less than a halogen bulb and 25 times less than an incandescent bulb (with the same light output). Not to mention the much longer life of LED lighting.
A practical example
To get this all a little more “visual,” we pulled out a real-life example. Here we replaced the old lighting (fluorescent T5 tubes) of a “standard office” with our LED lighting. With today’s energy prices, this renovation and sustainability will pay for itself in just over 2 years! Wondering how much you can save? Calculate it with the savings calculator at the bottom of this page!